Building Emotional Immunity


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Science has proven it, and we prove it ourselves every day; emotions are contagious. 

Emotions are more contagious than any virus because the human emotional system is socially oriented. Early humans connected and communicated with each other through emotional displays long before the development of language. Emotions held us together then and continue to keep us together now. 

Observing someone who is stressed, especially a coworker or family member, can have an immediate effect upon our nervous systems. Researchers have found that 26% of people show elevated levels of cortisol just by observing someone who is stressed. 

It’s impossible to avoid all of the negative emotions we feel. Many of us frequently talk about fears, stress, depression, anger, bitterness, or any one of the negative emotions, especially during the current pandemic. However, when these emotions consume us, we spread them, and they end up affecting others. 

Emotional resilience refers to one’s ability to adapt to stressful situations or crises. The ability to resist these influences depends a lot on your emotional immune system. The stronger it is, the more independent you’ll be. Fortunately, emotional resilience is a trait that can be built up and developed. 

Here are a few simple steps to building your emotional immune system: 

  1. Recognize the fact that your thoughts influence your actions
  2. Acknowledge stress and be willing to cope with it effectively.
  3. Be open to change and flexible when adapting to new situations. 
  4. Change the way you react to stress by accepting that some situations are beyond your control. 
  5. Embrace yourself by building self-compassion and empathy. 

When it comes to keeping your emotions in check, it’s best to try to bring down their intensity when you first feel them. You can do this by focusing the mind on breathing. Take 5 minutes to do some deep breathing exercises. These will give your brain oxygen, balance out your body, and help stabilize your emotions.

The Healing Power of Breathing

It’s essential to be able to tune into our feelings so that we can view our internal conflicts and better understand our perception of the world. Through self-awareness, we can gain a deeper understanding of how our feelings contribute to our actions. People with emotional awareness realize what they’re feeling and why. They also understand the feelings of others better because they are more in touch with their being.

When you’re stressed, it can be easy to neglect your needs. Loss of appetite, skipping exercise, and not getting enough sleep are all common reactions to stress.

Why Self Care Should be a Priority

Focus on putting your needs first, even when you’re troubled and ensure that you make time for activities that you enjoy.

By taking care of your own needs, you can boost your overall health and resilience and be fully ready to face life’s challenges.
