DeepH – The Revolutionary App for Your Health and the Planet’s


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Around the world, people’s mental health is in trouble. Even before the pandemic hit, rates of depression and anxiety were rising globally.  All the virus-induced losses of life, jobs, social connection and freedoms have all led to a severe increase in mental illness worldwide. 

The DeepH App was born to support people on the path to optimal health, lasting happiness and profound healing. The DeepH App ( available for IOS  and Android )will guide you to optimal health, higher energy level , will help you get a fitter, healthier body and a calmer mind. You’ll go on a journey of discovery and learn to live in harmony with yourself and the wider world.

No one would question that, as individuals, we are responsible for our own health. After all, we are the only ones who can change our behaviour. Change starts with each and every of us on a personal level.  Personal transformation can lead to a collective one through individual actions. There is no way to create a better, healthier, happier world on a collective level without personal inner work, so we created the DeepH App, an easy-to-use tool for healing both the individual and the collective. 

The DeepH team, in collaboration with doctors, meditators, spiritual practitioners and mathematicians, have created an algorithm that analyses your activity, vitals and health parameters to provide you with a DeepH Energy Level (a real-time indicator of your wellbeing, mental balance and vitality).

Instant Feedback – you can get immediate feedback and personal recommendations on your weight, activity level, workout intensity, sleep duration, meditation time and resting heart rate based on your age. 

DeepH Cosmic Meditations – created by spiritual practitioners from around the world, can improve sleep and relaxation, reduce anxiety and open hearts to unconditional love and compassion. 

The DeepH Blog is devoted to physical and mental health, joy, consciousness, energy, spirit and collective evolution to open your mind. 

Sync All your Health Data in One Place – If you track your activity using your smartphone, Apple Health, Google Fit, fitness trackers, medical devices or other health and fitness apps for IOS and Android, you can now sync it all in your DeepH profile. 

The pandemic has highlighted the inadequacy of existing tools for coping with mental health problems. It’s not just that a health crisis can easily disrupt access to mental health services, though we’ve definitely seen that to be true. It’s also that drugs like traditional antidepressants are, at best, only a partial solution. 

It is getting clear that real values for every human being are optimal health, happiness, mental wellbeing, inner peace and connection with nature. The world is a gigantic living organism, which we humans are a big part of. We are all interconnected. We entirely rely and depend on nature to exist. Our health is tied to air, water and food from the earth. This means that we should keep them clean and stop dumping toxic wastes into them. Our health is also improved by physical exercise and mind control, which should be a big part of our lives. Connecting with nature is beneficial for both our physical and mental health. Caring for ourselves and the biosphere would reward humanity many times over with improved health and happiness. However, these values require profound personal transformation, body and mind discipline and spiritual insight. 

We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them. Instead, we need to examine our thoughts to improve our conditions. As individuals, we must become aware of our thoughts and actions towards ourselves and the wider world. If we take small, practical steps, we can bring change at a personal, communal, and global level. 

We aim to help DeepH users: 

  • Make sustainable ecological way of living the norm
  • Make physical and mental health a priority
  • Promote  happiness and inner peace as a natural state of mind
  • Help to reconnect  with yourself and feel better every day
  • Improve quality of sleep and mood
  • Reduce stress levels
  • Restore connection with nature 

Olga Pavuka
DeepH Founder
