How Meditation can Ease your Mind, Body and Soul


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Meditation helps to increase your focus, decrease stress, and has even been shown to provide relief for individuals living with chronic pain or illness. Even practicing a few minutes of meditation every day has been shown to reduce stress.

Do you ever feel like you’re constantly making lists in your head? Or like your brain is being pulled in multiple directions? One aspect of anxiety is racing thoughts that won’t go away. Meditation helps with this part of the problem by quieting the overactive mind. Instead of buying into your fearful thoughts, you can start identifying with the silence that exists between every mental action. Through regular practice, you experience that you’re not simply your thoughts and feelings. 

Scientific Benefits of Meditation: What the Research Tells Us

When you take time during the workday to stop working and focus on the present, it helps strengthen your control of your mind’s function and productivity. By controlling senses and breathing, it’s easier to let go of thoughts and feelings of the past and future, and train the brain to focus on what is happening in the present moment. By giving the brain a single-task workout, we learn how to stay focused on one task at a time instead of multi-tasking and attempting to complete 10 assignments at once.  While meditation isn’t a cure-all, it can certainly provide some much-needed space in your life. Sometimes, that’s all we need to make better choices for ourselves, our families, and our communities. And the most important tools you can bring with you to your meditation practice are a little patience, some kindness for yourself, and a comfortable place to sit.

What Does It Mean to be Mindful?

Meditation can be a great tool for those  who are looking for an all-natural, medication-free way to treat insomnia. In fact, meditation has even been shown to help reduce the use of sleeping pills. And there are no associated risks or side effects to trying meditation.

Meditation is an accessible, budget-friendly practice that everyone can try. When we meditate, we inject far-reaching and long-lasting benefits into our lives: we lower our stress levels, we get to know our pain, we connect better, we improve our focus, and we’re kinder to ourselves.

How to begin?

Start by finding a comfortable place to sit or lie down, and then close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply, directing your attention to your breath as you inhale and exhale. If your mind starts to wander, simply bring your attention back to your breathing. You might try doing it for, say, five minutes at a time at first and then gradually increasing the amount of time as you get more comfortable with the practice.  You can try meditation function on the DeepH app specially created for healing and relaxation.

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