Seven Steps to Ending Chronic Pain


Guest Post by Jan Wellmann

Listen to “Seven Steps to Ending Chronic Pain”.

For chronic pain sufferers, it can feel impossible to imagine a life without pain. And while the temporary use of painkillers can strengthen the healing process in acute pain scenarios, such as injuries or surgeries, healing from chronic pain requires a different approach.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, to heal from pain, one must first treat pain at the source – but what if the root problem is unknown, as it happens in most chronic pain cases?

The author of How to Live Without Pain – A Seven-Step Guide is the renowned natural medicine practitioner and Vital Field expert Mechthild Rex-Najuch. Based out of Northern Germany, Mechthild has practiced for more than 30 years and uses both clinical and wearable Vital Field technology to address the root causes of chronic issues:

By connecting the different approaches – osteopathy, herbalism, homeopathy, anatomy, physiology, psychology, neurology, immunology, and field therapy – I could respond to a wider spectrum of chronic issues in the human body. Individualization is key when it comes to managing the root causality of chronic disease and pain. Vital Field diagnostics and therapy is the bridge between all these approaches, as it treats the energetic body directly with subtle electromagnetic fields. We are complex energetic beings – a merger of the mind, body, and soul – which is why true healing requires a new way of thinking.

Step One: The Right Mindset  

Chronic pain differs from acute, short-term pain in terms of its effect on our brains. Each person’s response to chronic pain is individualized, and in Step One: The Right Mindset you’ll find out both how chronic pain affects your neurochemistry, and what makes your interpretation of pain unique from someone else’s.  

Step Two: Stress Management Strategies  

To some degree, stress is unavoidable. Some experts define stress as any circumstance that leads to inflammation and shortens our lifespan – but this is just one side of the coin. The more stress we face, the better we become at responding to it proactively, thereby building our resilience. Resilience helps us stay calm and cool our body’s inflammatory response in the face of stress, which may reduce your chronic pain. In this chapter, you’ll learn stress management strategies to regulate your central nervous system and overcome the negative physical effects of stress in your life.

Step Three: Creating Order

According to physics, pain is a phenomenon caused by disarray. Chaos disrupts our body’s natural state, known as homeostasis, leading to the pain response. The process of putting that disarray back into order is called reorganization. This natural mechanism is mediated largely by the role of nutrition and reconnecting with our natural environment. Nourishing your body properly with nutrients and sunlight, despite chronic pain, can help create order. In here, you’ll find out how.

Step Four: Nutritional Deficiency Remedies & Gut Protection

Pain is one of the ways our body can communicate with us. Sometimes, pain may indicate a reaction to environmental toxins in our foods, such as pesticides or a nutritional deficiency. Other times, it may serve as a message that our natural gut flora has been damaged. In fact, painkillers can have a destructive effect on our gut, giving us another reason to depend on our body’s natural ability to heal.

Eating whole, plant-based foods whenever possible helps repair your gut and restore nutrition. Step Four: Nutritional Deficiency Remedies & Gut Protection will teach you how to identify the best foods for gut healing and incorporate them into your diet.

Step Five: Sleep and Rest

Fatigue is a common symptom of chronic pain. The more tired you are, the worse your pain may become. Some fatigue is unavoidable with chronic pain, but insufficient, unhealthy, or disrupted sleep can compound the problem. Adults need a minimum of seven hours of sleep per night. Too much or too little sleep can harm your overall health. This chapter will show you how to overcome common sleep problems to feel more rested and less bogged down by your chronic pain.

Step Six: Reduce the Daily Toxic Burden

These days, toxic substances are hiding nearly everywhere in our environment. This umbrella of toxicity is referred to in our eBook as “toxic burden.” And while it’s nearly impossible to avoid all toxicity in the modern world, you may improve your chronic pain symptoms by reducing your daily exposure to environmental toxins. Step Six will offer you simple strategies for reducing the toxic burden in your daily life.

Step Seven: On the Move

The final step is to keep your body moving. And while exercise might feel like the last thing you want to do when you’re in constant pain, and the idea of exercising to treat chronic pain can feel counterintuitive, muscle exercise is an effective natural pain-reliever, due to the body’s release of endorphins during your workout.

Make the shift to painlessness and inflammation-free lifestyle permanent, today.

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Jan Wellmann is a health and wellness entrepreneur, CEO & founder of, and nutrition and lifestyle counselor, focusing on natural methods that help the body regenerate, self-heal, and boost energy and performance.
