6 Reasons Why We Lack Energy and How to Fix Them


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Energy isn’t a constant in our lives. It flows according to daily, monthly and seasonal rhythms that are different for every individual. Being tired isn’t just an annoyance; it’s your body and mind crying for help. 

There are many reasons why we feel tired all the time. Here are 6 of the most common and how to fix them:

1. Sadness and Depression

Sadness and depression can leave you feeling incredibly lethargic. Depression is often caused by fatigue, and you might be wondering whether your fatigue is a result of depression. 

Lifestyle interventions alone may not be enough for everyone suffering from depression, especially those diagnosed with major depressive disorders. However, understanding the root cause of depression is a vital first step in being able to cure it. Perhaps depression and anxiety are an early warning sign alerting us to a malfunction in our bodies, mind and souls.

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2. Stress levels

A lot is going on in the world at the minute and stress levels are extremely high for everyone. It’s not so easy to keep calm and carry on when the news shows us a world in constant turmoil. However, it’s important to try to switch off. 

Stress can lead to sleepless nights, wearing you down and causing you to feel fatigued. Like anxiety, stress can contribute to poor sleep and poor sleep can create stress. The ability to manage your emotions and remain calm under pressure has a direct impact on your performance. 

Meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, sound healing, walking in nature, or any other activities that can help you to relax are vitally important now. Just a few minutes a day can make a huge difference. 

3. Negative thinking 

Negative thinking patterns, particularly when they’ve become habitual, can be hard to break. Patterns that have been in place for years won’t be undone overnight, so it’s essential to be compassionate and patient with yourself as you work through them.

Sometimes thoughts can seem so loud that the best thing to do is to change our physical surroundings. Take a walk in nature, go for a run, or meet up with a friend. Whatever you choose to do, engage in something other than the negative cycle so that you can come back to the problem later when you’re in a clearer headspace. 

4. Dehydration and Inadequate Nutrition

Staying hydrated and getting proper nutrition is important for keeping your energy levels up. Research shows that a lack of fluid intake is associated with increased sleeplessness, fatigue, and irritability. Here are some things to consider when ensuring that you have the proper diet. 

  • Not getting enough calories and protein, or consuming too many refined carbohydrates will leave you feeling tired. 
  • Allergies to foods such as wheat, peanuts, or dairy may also contribute to tiredness. 
  • Overeating can cause a lack of energy and make you want to take a nap. 
  • Avoid foods that contain quickly absorbed sugars, such as candy and pastries, and stay away from foods with too many empty calories, such as fried foods. These foods give you a short energy surge and then leave you feeling more tired and sluggish.

5. Active time

Some of us are simply tired with no medical cause. The good news is that exercise may give us a boost.

If you feel yourself lacking energy, it could be because you’re not getting enough physical activity. Research shows a sedentary lifestyle can lead to fatigue and difficulty sleeping. 

Studies consistently show that people who engage in regular exercise feel less fatigue than those who don’t.

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When exercising for energy, stay in the low-to-moderate exertion range, such as walking, yoga, or light resistance training to fight fatigue.

6. Too many obligations and to do’s lists

Many of us put the needs of others before our own, but how can you truly learn to appreciate and help others if you can’t even appreciate yourself? 

Practice saying “no” when you feel there is too much on your plate, and be sure to set aside time every day to do something you enjoy, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

7. Love yourself 

The best way to revitalise your life and energy levels is to do things that make you feel good about yourself. Think about the things you have that you are grateful for and cultivate healthy emotions like love, compassion, joy, gratitude and equanimity.
