How to Find Lost Peace of Mind


Listen to “How to Find Lost Peace of Mind”.

Peace of mind is a state of harmony with oneself and with the world as a whole. It is the natural state, so it is so necessary and desirable for all of us. When we lose peace of mind, we begin to experience discomfort and uncertainty, and in our subconscious mind, we long to find it again. 

The past months have been unprecedented and challenging, with disruption felt to our core. The global fear surrounding the pandemic has impacted every single one of us. No one has been left untouched. Yet, resiliency, empathy, and inner peace are priceless in times like these, and they should not be dependent on external events.

Psychological and emotional health gives us the freedom to maintain balance even when the world seems to be falling apart. 

Peace of mind is a state of mental and emotional balance and calm, free of worries, fears or stress. In this state, the mind is quiet, and we may experience a gentle sense of happiness and freedom. 

Fear only lives in thoughts of the future, and regret is preoccupied with the past. The present is where peace resides. It feels almost impossible to choose peace when we’re going through tough times. However, some strategies can help you to find and maintain inner peace. 

Here are five things you can do to find peace of mind: 

Accept Change

Change is an inevitable part of life, and many aspects of the changing world are beyond our control. For example, you can’t control the spread of a virus, the pace of social change, or how the economy will eventually recover. 

While it can be tough to acknowledge, railing against events or circumstances outside of your control will only drain your energy and leave you feeling anxious and hopeless. Therefore, you should try to accept changes in your life and adapt to them as naturally as possible. 


In a broad sense, Connectedness is considered a key mediator of psychological, mental and spiritual well being. An ecosystem is a delicate balance of interdependent life forms, and we humans are part of it. When we learn, accept and understand that we are part of the web of life and that each of us impacts others’ lives and depends on the wellness of others to thrive, we begin to approach the mutuality and interconnectedness of Nature. Only once we do this can we realise our true nature. 

Cultivate Gratitude

Research conducted at the University of California found that people who worked to cultivate an attitude of gratitude each day experienced improved mood, energy, and physical wellbeing. Lower levels of cortisol likely played a significant role in this.

Take Care of Yourself

Love yourself enough to look after yourself. Spending even just a few minutes a day meditating can help improve your life. 

Meditation can give you a sense of calm, inner peace, and balance that benefits your health and emotional wellbeing. 

Exercise is also key to looking after yourself. Find time to exercise regularly. Exercise makes you smarter, happier, improves sleep, increases libido, and makes you feel better about your body!

Get a daily dose of Nature

The more high-tech our lives become, the more Nature we need. Spending time in Nature, looking at plants, water, birds, and other aspects of Nature gives the cognitive portion of our brain a break, allowing us to be more focused, patient and calm. Observing the natural world reminds us how amazing this planet is and how we each have a role in keeping it that way.
