Feel Exhausted? Here’s a Quick Guide to Boosting your Energy Levels


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Being tired isn’t just annoying; it’s your body crying for help. If you don’t pay close attention and correct what’s making you tired, then will probably get sick.

Energy isn’t a constant in our lives. It flows according to daily, monthly and seasonal rhythms that are highly individual. If you always feel drained, however, lifestyle habits are usually to blame.

Being a responsible adult is exhausting. We all have routines which get tedious, and our bodies register the resulting boredom as tiredness. The 24/7 push to be efficient and productive can wear you out both physically and emotionally.

Here is a list of Energy Boosting tricks:

1. Get negative thoughts under control

Have you experienced negative thoughts that cross your mind on a regular basis, leaving you feeling drained and down? These are the thoughts you need to be wary of as they can cause your energy to slump. 

If you ever find yourself dwelling on negative self-talk, ask yourself: Is this thought serving me in this moment and for the future? If not, reframe the negative narrative.

How to Stop Negative Thinking and Why it is Important

2. Sleep

Establish regular times to go to bed and wake up, and try not to stray from it, even on the weekends. If you want to get more sleep on a particular night, go to bed 20 to 30 minutes earlier.

3.Drink More Water

You should plan your drinking just like you’d plan your meals. Try carrying a water bottle around with you. To make plain water more appealing, add lemon or orange wedges or make a Thermos of herbal (non-caffeinated) tea.

4. Fill Up on Healthier Options

To keep your energy levels stable, replace sugar and refined carbs with whole foods that are rich in fibre, such as vegetables and legumes. Several studies have found that minimizing sugar and processed carbs during meals and snacks typically leads to increased energy levels.


The benefits of exercise for your energy level are twofold: Exercise boosts your body’s fitness and also your mood, both of which contribute to your overall health and well-being.

How does exercise affect your mental health?

6. Have a positive outlook

The way we perceive ourselves and the world around us has an enormous impact on our experiences. While being positive isn’t always easy, it’s well worth the effort, as it has the power to shape our lives like nothing else.

Positive energy doesn’t just help us better enjoy our day-to-day experiences; it also impacts on our health and relationships. Positive thinking helps to reduce our stress, improve our physical health, and drive us towards our goals and accomplishments. Your attitude determines your altitude!

7. Take time for self-care

The busier you are, the more important self-care becomes. When you take time to heal yourself, whether it’s just five minutes for a short meditation, 10 minutes to prep food for the next couple days, or a full hour of yoga, you build your energy and focus. 

Taking little chunks of time for yourself now and then can build up to tremendous results. Small amounts of effort over a lifetime really do make radical changes.

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‎ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE IMPERFECT Connect with yourself with DeepH guidance and support: ◈ Do you Feel Tired or Disconnected? DeepH will help you estimate your Energy level based on your data and provide personalized, realistic recommendations from the position of self-love and acceptance. ◈ Do y…
